Mar 2, 2009

Mom: From Bad girl to a Hot mama

If my dad is known as a specialist and a simple man, well my mom is not all of that *peace finger* My mom is known as a busy woman, some of her spiritual child told her once that she is too busy, and she's not a simple person well always trying to be simple, but it become more complicated everytime she tried that. *sigh* She was a bad girl once when she was in highshool searching who she really was with "getting high in highschool", then she met Jesus in her college and then Jesus met her with my dad and now she's not just a good girl, she turn out to be a hot mama. *smiling* hmmm... 

Well, thats a little bit about my mom. She has lots of role to play each day,
 different times different role, talking on the phone while preparing my meal, lead me to the bed then preparing the sermon, preparing dad's breakfast and also serving at church, trying to be simple but yet so many role to play, so many activities. *pause* .......... Living her life just 'simply' to be a living example in the truth, in honesty, in purity, in maturity, in friendship, in fashion ----------->>>

But even though she is surrounded with her daily activities, always caught up doing 'sms' thing, and 'household' thing, and 'church' thing, and 'family' thing, she mostly love and enjoy being with me. So many role to play, but being a mom is not a role, its who she is now ... So many activities, but being with me is not just activity, its everything to her. She was a bad girl, and still a bad girl, but she's a mom now and she's a hot mama. *smile*

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