Nov 7, 2008

My first month

Day 5. First time take a bath with mom at home in my blue bath tub ''
Day 9. My 'tali puser' finally get off by itself. Mommy so happy that morning. 

Day 12. Got a first salk vaccine and the other thing with Dr. Dadang (my personal doctor) in the morning, in the afternoon mom & dad took me to have my hearing test at Halmahaera hospital with Dr. Dimi, and at
 nite i got circumsised '' with Dr. Chairul at Cihampelas. Wow its been a long day for
 mom & dad just took me touring to three different doctor. Not easy day for mom's heart

Day 14. First time got nail-nipper. Daddy did it while mom breast
 feeding me
Day 16. Its a bit cold at our room, so Daddy put a yellow light to get me warmer
Day 17. Its the first time mommy found that i responded to her voice

Day 19. Not yet a month, i went visiting keisha mom (Auntie Sisca) at Melinda Hospital. Keisha is born today

Day 21. Daddy massage me with his tender massage on my body. It workss!! after the massage, i fart '' a lot and i got my biggest burp '' ever said mom, and after that... i PUP! Daddy massage really works perfectly on me

Day 24. I went visiting Kayla Abbe at Melinda Hospital. Mom had some 'newmom' chat at the hospital, dad as always talking to kayla's dad

Day 26. We went visiting Kayla Abbe again, this day is also my last check up of my circumsision. Mom and dad having a small and full of laugh conversation at the hospital. together with uncel james, and kayla's oma and opa

Day 27. Its my first time with daddy alone. Bonding time with dad, while mommy went shopping with momi alice (mom's sister wanted to be called mom also, 
yeah its oke lah.. who doesnt??)

Day 30. Its July 22nd. I got another vaccine, and im one month old today

4 komentar:

Anonymous said...

hahahaha...lucu si max yg lg cerita hahaha...g membayangkan s max ngobrol, bicara, dan nulis d komputer hahahahaha.....lucu bgt...jd ngebayangin dia dah besar...wah pst lucu bgt tuh....hehehe...Ayo MAX!!cepet gede ya...biar kt maen bareng, mumpung ko sandi blm pnya pacar hahahaha.....


Anonymous said...

ouww.ftonya touching bgt euy.hha
max,, cpet gde yahh.biar bs jln2 breng auntie olls
hha.aku sk bgt dipanggil tante.hhe

Anonymous said...

itu ka bri jagain max bo??
ato max jagain ka bri bo2??

Unknown said...

dari auntie yoke;

duh max...kamu lutchu banget, auntie suka kangen lho kalo kita udah lama ga ketemu ato maen bareng ;)
love you max kecil,
pokok-nya kesan pertama kalo liat max tuh:
1. brian (your daddy)banget
2. cool banget
inget ga waktu ibadah d'bridge bareng ama kayla di ruang c-kids
kayla udah ngoceh ga, max cuma nge-jawab 1 kata oohh..hehehe
duh, so sweet dech ada foto abbe family di situ..thanks ya

Dari Kayla;

Hallo koko max,
harus lebih aktif yach kalo ketemu kayla..nanti kayla-nya di rebutin ama banyak cowo yang laen lho..kan ada marvel, exl, matthew, dll
Nanti koko max-nya sedih dech ga dapetin calon wanita yang terbaik...kayla udah dipersiapin ama papa-mama lho, pesen mama
1. Berdoa senantiasa
2. Bersukacita senantiasa
hehehe...sampe ketemu ya ko max